Planning Board
The Planning Board reviews proposed amendments to zoning ordinances, site plans and plat applications, and also makes recommendations to the Greenevers Board of Commissioners regarding the current and future development of Town of Greenevers.
Greenevers' Comprehensive Plan
The Town of Greenevers has completed our first-ever Comprehensive Plan to help guide the town’s growth and development. As members of the Greenevers community, your input is one of the most important parts of the Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive plans can cover a wide range of topics from community visions to housing to provision and financing of public services. Members of the Greenevers community shared their thoughts about Greenevers’ present and future which guide the plan's goals and policies, the future land use map, and implementation strategies. The full PDF version of the Draft Greenevers Comprehensive Plan is available for download below.

Future Land Use Map (Revised 2022)